Friday, August 18, 2017

free post

Hi my name is Brisa and I'am currently a junior  at Linda Esperanza Marquez Hpiam. My goal this school year is pass all my classes. In order to pass all my class I need to put effort. Such as going to school everyday, be on time to class,  ask question if don't understand,  stay after school, do ALL my homework and as well STUDY for my test. My first week of school has been good I like my classes so far . I also got see my friends. I got some friends that close to basically in all my classes . But I also got the chance to know new students. One thing I don't like is that the hallways are really pack because the New freshmen as well as new students in the school. I hope this year will be great. I'am very exited for this new school year 

9 ways to be happy

The 9 way to BE Happy and Make Something of You'r Life                                       BY: Gordon B. Hinckley 

  1.  Be grateful 
  2. Be Smart
  3. Be Involve
  4. Be Clean 
  5. Be True 
  6. Be positive 
  7. Be humble 
  8. Be still 
  9. Be prayerful 

what this mean is that is you need grateful for what you have, in life be positive take the right lane for you'r future. be glad for what you have right now. Don't care what other say.You are the one creating you'r life you'r own decisions. Be grateful for what you have,  not what you don't have in life. Be smart every one is smart. you are able to do what ever you want in life. By using smart decisions to lead you'r future life and dreams. be smart and ignore the once who try to make you  think you are not able to reach you'r goals. Every one  is smart.Be involve do what you like to do. go explore the world. Find something new every day, ask question be curios.  Also you need to Be Clean wash you'r hands before you eat, and after you eat. Be clean by having an clean mouth. What i mean by having a clean mouth is by not saying bad words or try not say bad words. Have a clean record. follow directions and  the law so you could have a clean record. A clean life , don't do drugs instead got outdoors have fun with you'r friends and be safe. To have a happy life you need to tell the truth. Don't lie, lying could cause you a lot of problems in the future or even now. If you tell the truth every one will believe you and they will also trust in you . but if you lie no one will believe  you, nor trust you. You can also tell the truth by you'r aspects such as the way you act among others. telling the truth could also mean by cheating. always try you'r best and be loyal to some one. Be Positive, always look at the bright side just because you are not having a bad day doesn't mean it will always be bad day. Think or say tomorrow will be a better day.  Have a positive mind Positive vibes. Positive life. Also be positive, positive will make you happy don't let the negativity pull you down and always keep a smile on you'r face. If you are positive you will comfort you'r problems  and struggles. You also need to think positive everything is going to be okay. Not everything will be positive thoughts, but it will also be positive feeling's as well.  Be Humble, it will help you have a happy life. If you need be respectful as will keep learning more and more. Also you need to be humble in you'r confidence and also on you. Be victorious  as well as humble. You achieve everything if you are simple and humble." Keep trying . stay you instincts. most importantly act.and if there is a key on the road take it. But you need to be aware of you'r own value.Be Still  which you need to be calm. Go step by step slowly but surely. You have to be patient don't rush things. Maybe you are having a bad day but you need to be still and take a deep breath. Be still and empty all you'r wrongs. be still and listen the more you listen the more you learn.  
 In conclusion these are 9 ways to be happy such as be grateful, smart, be involve, be clean, always tell the truth, be humble, be still and lastly be prayerful these 9 way can help you or guide you in to you'r happy life. 

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

summer 2017

Image result for tijuana view from san diego                                           summer 2017 

  My summer was pretty much fun. I spend  with my family and friends. A day I won't forget about this summer is the day when all of my friend and family gather up all together. To celebrate my cousin birthday. We ware glad to see each other. We also went to beach in the night because it was so hot that day. A day wont also forget is when my cousin Ana who  came to visit from Utah. I was very happy to see her because I  haven't  seen her after 5 years. we went out to eat we ware all happy to see her. during this summer i had a sleepover at my friends house we stayed up all night watching movies and order pizza, but the next day we ware really sleepy. I also went to Tijuana  to Tijuana to visit my aunt. she took me to this one amazing place it was a chocolate factory. we also went hiking and got an amazing view. I had so much fun with my family and friends this summer.   

Class evaluation

                                          Class evaluation  what I like about this class. For example learning how to program with scratc...