Friday, November 3, 2017

Electric vehicle

Image result for electric vehicle wikipediaElectric vehicle An electric vehicle, also called an electric drive vehicle, uses one or more electric motors or traction motors for propulsion. An electric vehicle may be powered through a collector system by electricity from off-vehicle sources, or may be self-contained with a battery, solar panels or an electric generator to convert fuel to electricity.Now a day several people use electric vehicle to make a better environment.

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective people

 Habits of Highly Effective people - Stephen  R. Convey 

    Image result for Synergize
    Image result for peaceful lakeImage result for proactiveImage result for begin with the end in mind
  1. Be proactive: What this rule means is to be in action. Such as doing you'r work, going to school. For example if I want to do better in school I need to be more proactive. Just like doing my Classwork, Homework, Studying. It will also make me a more proactive student as well. "The way to bring about a change is be proactive and active". 
  2. Begin with the End in Mind: what this mean is that is to planned ahead to know what you are going to do.And also to set a goal. For example being a good student makes me a good citizen in school. And by planing ahead is to not plan a day before a takes time to plan . Especially what you want to reach you'r goal. Especially making up you'r mind what you want to do in the future. For example I need to plan what i want to go after high school. I need to plan what to do after high school .
  3. Put first thing first: In other words do what you have to do. Do it now not later. For example if you'r mom says to go through the trash you have do it now not later. Also you want to have better grades you need to start doing homework not tomorrow nor next week, but today. And also do you'r main priority. Do the things first and what is more important first as well.  Do what you have to do and what is more important .
  4. Think Win-Win:  What this habit mean is that , you have correct agreement you are motivated . You are trying get what you want. Also try find solution to the problem not by making the problem worst . Think about others opinion not only about you, don't be selfish.  Try help others with your kindness. Even you lose you still win, because you learned something new. Every is able to win. 
  5. Seek First to Understand, then to be Understood:  what this mean is that you need to pay attention and understand and you are able to explain and be understood. Also listen before you talk. For example  you are in school and you first you need to understand what the teacher is explaining and then you are able expalin others the same way the teacher show you. And the ones who you are teaching  are able to understand. But you also need to understand other people point of view. Also be able to communicate efficiently with others. Ask question if you are not able to understand also be sure you are able to understand what they are saying 
  6. Synergize what this mean is to work together as a team. Be in one community as a whole, support each others. For example you work as a group in your class for example you need help and you'r table is able to help you and working together helps if you have any question they are their to explain.  if you did not work as a team who will be there to help you. no because you are working by you'r self. you may also learn new things from your team. But you also get along with others to be able to collaborate. Be open minded.  
  7. Sharpen the Saw  what this mean is to take care of yourself for example eat healthy such as vegetable fruits.  Also exercise take a run in the morning or at noon and that will give lots of energy throughout the day. Sleep the amount of hours you  or give your self a little nap through out the day. And most important relax everything is going to be okay. To add on you may also learned new skills, such as in reading and writing. Also have a pure heart be kind to others live life and laugh.
The 7 habit's are important because its helps you be a better person.such as being(1) proactive in school like doing you'r homework. Also(2) begin with the end in mid . For example planned ahead of  time know what you are going to do. You may also(3)put things first. Just like doing the most importants stuff first and the unimportance stuff at last. (4)Take a win win, try to get what you want don't give up..(5) seek first to understand, then to be understood. In which pay attention before you explain, this may help you right now or in you'r feutre. You may also(6) synergize , work at a team be a community.Lastly (7)sharpen the saw , be spiritual, have a heart, take care of yourself , relax.  

Class evaluation

                                          Class evaluation  what I like about this class. For example learning how to program with scratc...